Watch The Watchers

By the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition


Rank: Police Officer II
Division: Southwest Division
Serial: 40851
Badge: 21924
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Year Hired: 2011
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 230 lbs


    • • Regular Pay: $115,814.23
    • • Overtime Pay: $16,569.08
    • • Other Pay: $9,994.92
    • • Health Benefits: $19,031.86
    • • Retirement Pay: $54,258.97
    • • Regular Pay: $121,545.26
    • • Overtime Pay: $18,096.14
    • • Other Pay: $9,273.36
    • • Health Benefits: $19,876.38
    • • Retirement Pay: $56,943.95

All of the officer information displayed on this page was made public by the City of Los Angeles in accordance with the California Public Records Act.

Division, Rank, Serial Number, Ethnicity, Gender, Height, Weight, and Year of Hire are from rosters that LAPD published in January 2023 and August 2024. All of this information is only accurate as of January 2023. Many officer division assignments and ranks have likely changed since then. In addition, LAPD has stated that height and weight are self-reported by officers at the time of their hire, so this information could be inaccurate either because an officer's height or weight changed over time or the officer lied about their height or weight.

Serial is a unique LAPD identifier assigned to each officer, typically not displayed on the officer. Badge is the number displayed on an officer's badge. These numbers can change when an officer receives a new badge due to a promotion or for other reasons, and an officer can be assigned a badge number that was previously assigned to another officer. The badge number listed here are from a roster LAPD published in September 2024 to comply with a lawsuit we filed in March 2024, so the numbers are only accurate as of that date. Email Address is pieced together from the standard LAPD email format of [Serial Number]

Age is an approximation calculated using a roster that LAPD published in March 2022 listing the serial number, gender, race, and age of every officer employed by LAPD from 2014 to 2022. We used those ages as of March 2022 to approximate how old the officer is today.

Payments are from data listing the money paid to each city employee in that calendar year (January to December), published in March 2023 and January 2024.